Friday, December 24, 2010

down days..silence

I'm just an imperfect small human creature of Allah The Almighty. I slipped and fall sometimes. 

Past few days was not a good-me days. And I made myself sad and bad because of what I feel inside. And last night a friend asked me why am I acting like that. Sorry. I want to answer you, but I guess you better not know the reason. HAHA. Let's not talk about it. 

I talked to my bestie-cuz aka Aliya about it. I told her everything and burst into tears. Can't seem to hold it anymore. Human always want to stay strong, but sometimes there are times when you goes weak. Those are some of the times I fall weak. Sometimes we cannot control what we feel, because the inside me aren't that strong enough. 

Astaghfirullahala'zim. Forgive me, ya Allah. 

Aliya take position becoming my counselor that night. Been console and scolded "kaw2" by her. HAHA! serves me right. But she's right too. It's not that I don't know, but I seem to forget it..and it let me down to this sad, 'down', dark valley. 

After having a half an hour talk with her, I feel much more relieved. Help me clearing the mess inside. The big-looking dust now looked small and insignificant. Thanx to her I'm able to climb back to the surface and feel the fresh, bright breath up.. the feeling of having back real smile and laugh. She's really good at doing 'magic' I supposed. From tears to joy in just a split second. LOL. 

magica. hehe
Can't wait till the end of January. Gonna meet u cuz^^ Ohh how I wish you're here. =(

Found this while tumblr-ing today. HEHE. Found lots of inspiring new page today. How wondeful. Ohho~

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