Monday, December 26, 2011

A true Muslim by Islam or Muslim by religion?

Islam and Muslim might be somehow synonym but they are too, are actually not the same.

Born as a Muslim who's still learning and of course there's a lot more i need to learn. But to be a part of today's society, I think I need to contribute a bit of my little knowledge, to at least let people know of this basic 'little thing' that they seem to miss.

How are Islam and Muslim differ??

"Islam: the meaning comes from the Arabic verbal noun (like gerund) s-l-m. When appropriate vowel markers are added the word Islam appears. The etymology of s-l-m is to submit, accept, or surrender. From this comes Islam's conventional definition of surrender to God."

Islam is a religion, where it teaches people to believe in Allah as the only God and Muhammad pbuh as his messenger. This basic concept of being a Muslims might seem simple, but you need to learn and practice it in order to be a real Muslim by Islam . To tell everything about Islam would need a more detail explanation of course. ^^ Islam is easy to those who believe and practice it in the right way.

"Muslim: also has the roots in the s-l-m verb. It is a participle of the verb and refers t a person who engages in the act of submission, acceptance, or surrender. Therefore a Muslim is a person who submits to the will of God, or a follower of Islam."

So basically, Muslim is people who believe Allah and Muhammad pbuh as His messenger, but are divided into two, Muslim by Islam (Mukmin) and Muslim by religion (Muslim).

Muslim by Islam is the people who practice Islam in the real Islam way and as taught in the Holy Quran. But Muslim by religion is the people who choose Islam simply as a religion they want to or born with; and then they live with it, without fully following the real Islamic way of living and practice.

I'm not going to talk about this by the way, just additional info =) based on what I learnt through my 21 years of living as a Muslim.

Muslims are also people. A human being. Be it Muslim by Islam or Muslim by religion, they are indeed nothing but a human being, created by God like any other humans with other religions in the world .

Terrorism are always associated with Islam. Have you forgot that the Muslims too, are normal human being like those people from other religions?.. When there's an event of terrorism or such, Islam will be accused as a fault.

How are Islam as a religion to be accused for the wrongdoing of the imperfect human action? Isn't it nothing but a taboo or another stereotype narrow-minded thinking of people?..

To people who do not think, do not judge a religion by the action of those people calling themselves follower of the region; as human will never be perfect. There are people who practice the religion the way it should, in the right way. and there are also people who's being an extremist, who thought whey're doing what they do for the sake of Islam, when Islam doesn't actually ask or teaches such thing.

Basically, Islam is holy religion which promotes peace to people, a religion for everyone, a way of live. Whereas Muslim only describe the follower of the religion, imperfect humans like any other humans practicing other religion.

To judge Islam, do not look at its follower, look at the religion itself. Read and learn about the religion, then only talk.

There's this awesome video that I like, wanna post it here, but something went wrong with my blogger video link, so i'll just give the link here:


=) assalamualaikum & peace!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

story of early morning on 11 dec: fb.

i was rooting for it. 

but then

was about to give up.

but still,

patiently waiting..


& waiting..



maybe i should stop hoping

*stop hoping & continue with the work*

more than 15 mins later, open the tab and ..

uwarghhhHH!! why??...
why just notice it now??!


too late..  *sigh*

Friday, December 9, 2011

a quick post+animated gif

Supposely buat report now.. tons of them are piling up, waiting to be done. erghh~ stressing. but then without the stress, takde nye nak buat..muhahaha~

yesterday present report on Malacca, pastu realise got some mistake in the submitted report & need to fix it. skang time yg sepatotnya digunakan utk buat report laen dah terpaksa dicurik utk fix this Malacca report (T,T) menambahkan kepeningan & kestressan. =,=||

maka, dlm kesibukan menyiapkan kerja mesti laa ada sosial2 kan..hehe~ on tumblr got this one post, ajar cane nak wat GIF image. jum try ^^

here's the link: How to make Animated GIFs with free programs

cutie ryan gif
will try this ble dah xbizi nnt^^hehe~


Aliya's buat blog. utk esaimen katanya. huhu~ dan utk adek2 skolah rendah yg nak belajar english katanya; sila lah melawat ^^

link: TEACHER ALIYA's English Blog



sometimes you know you should stick to what you should not let yourself to
to just stick to what you know is the right thing to do
to what the sane mind says

but once you give in,
just a bit,
it means you're letting yourself to be torn apart
by those very factors
you already aware

risk yourself to a hazard
which you know will harm you
in either way
& yet you still let yourself to.


let's stop.



lately suka dengar to this one song. ada part solo by this one friend. haha. dunno why suka suara dia. unik mungkin. & bila dengar the song, suara dia tu make the song sound cam sedeyh. hahahaha~

oke, siriyes. betol sedih.

yes, i'm a fan of this idol. haha. fan suara dia la.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

hari yang mudah =)

"uhuh, spek dy cute la, cam aku nye spek~" haha pasan jap. 

nampak sorang budak chinese y cumel mase naek bas. she sits at the front, seat next to us (me n saza). aha budak ni! budak kiut yg cam salu in a rush & cam semat aa gaya dy. suke2~ i mean her character; semat la =D hoho~

then watch her for few minutes. she's too cute. maka nya, aku & saza pon menegur lah dy. hehe~ sembang2 sket. wat suprised me is, dy ckp dy penah nampak aku. i mean like, she recognized me la.. sonok plak rasa. haha. 

menaiki bas yg dipandu oleh p.cik yg baru belajar bawak bas. uhh waw. pacik, sila belajar ngan baek, anda membawa penumpang2 sekalian bersama ya.

tett tarattt taatt taaa~ sampai UMK. turun n terus head to kaunter tiket transnasional nak bli tiket bas balek raya. yeyy! ^^ hee~ bes hari ni sebab cuaca tak panas sgt, & tak bahang sgt cam salu. pastu p beli barang. makan. balik.

cloud pagi td. captured by a junior at UMK pc campus =D
close up. ni pon also, not captured by me. haha~ subhanallah.cantik kan? ^^

hari ni cam sgt mudah. i mean like from awal tadi nak pegi kampus kuar2 trus ada bas. then sampai, xpanas sgt nak even nak kena jalan agak jauh p bli tiket. then p makan, tyme masok kedai penoh, takde tempat duduk, tapi masok 3 langkah je dah ade org abes makan & ade tempat kosong. pastu nk balek, tunggu jap je, dah ada bas. waw~

"dipermudahkan urusan" kata saza. hehe~

atas bas tido jap (sempat lg kot! jaoh perjalanan.cewahh.) sampai bilik terus online. stengah jam kemudian dpt call dari SEC jemput pagi conference kat KL bout this enterprise things like that aa~ huhu eksaited2. 


Angela Aki's "tegami" mashup. even more amazing than the ori version; the very spirit it possess =D

Monday, October 10, 2011

the 'quite' long lost friend; thanx!

thanx to this 'quite' long lost friend that i found back.

"tak boleh give up lagi.. walopon rasa mcm mustahil, tp cuba jalah"

"try buat sehabis baik utk hari ni, masa depan tu biaq kat dia"

words that somehow soothes me. maybe because he's experiencing the same thing, so basically we understand this burden.

can't tell how much i'm thankful for that you've come back. in a way like, i've found you that i used to know. a friend that i used to know. you that i used to know =D

how it been quite hard to be on my own, holding on. this fellow is like a pillow, in which i can just comfortably pour everything, without worries. hoho~

didn't have feelings for him okey. uhh yes, of course a big NO. need to clarify this. we have our own personal life. separated & different from each other. haha. but he's an amazing friend indeed. (that's why so semangat blogging bout him. XDD)

for being undertanding, for showing that you understand; thanks mr. friend. 


Saturday, October 8, 2011

in this big ocean

There are times when I feel so scared. as if i was left there in the middle of the deep ocean. alone. 

i know i have Allah with me. that should be more than enough. 

but as a weak human, i still have the fear. scared. i pray for that there will be some other human being that would stand there by me, not just to hold my hands, but to understand me, my feelings and my fear and thus help me to keep swimming,,swimming out of this place up to the surface. 

i have lots of fear, be it bout the live i'm living in this huge world or the coming Hereafter. 

until i can find another human to understand & help me swimming up to surface, i'll try my very best not to drown. i'll try to learn how to swim myself. i have Allah with me. i'll keep trying, because i'm here. still alive. and i want to keep living. living a good live. until Allah asks me to stop and take me with Him.


may Allah grand me this courage. Ameen.


last night's dean list was saddening and inspiring. how much i want to achieve to that level too. this time too, i don't know if i will or can try my best, but for the time being that's what i'm going to do. 

asked a friend that we will too, stand a moment like that next semester. that message last night was actually like a promise i'm making with him, that both of us will work our very best to achieve that. but he seem not to know. guess he thought it was just a saying. but hey you there, i was serious actually^^ 

the very friend achieving dean's award last night was awesome. she's always been. and she keeps growing brighter. congratez ne =)

p/s: I love my family, my friends and myself.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

destiny brought people throughout the world. what's my destiny?

went for lunch after class and zaret told us bout the dean's list students from our class. total of 6 people. some unexpected friends are in the list.

and i sat there, silently.


when will be my turn i wonder.. will i ever be able to taste that beautiful cloud too?


facebooking in the evening. saw pictures of some friends overseas. studying there. lucky people. i guess destiny finds different way for different people. how destiny brings these people throughout the world. destiny set by the Almighty Allah sure are amazing. 

for me who might be thinking are stranded here, sure does gain lots of things actually, lots of experience and amazing friends. friends that i don't want to lose, ever. I might not improve a lot compared to these amazing friends i have (seriously, each & everyone of them are amazing.. in term of how much they've grown within these past 2 years), but this small being here, too, isn't the same person as she was few years back =)

destiny set different story for each people. what's my destiny?

only Allah s.w.t knows =')


saw this one post from a senior on fb. a very inspiring quote indeed=)

" Bukan SAJA2 Allah meletakkan anda dalam BIDANG itu..
Bukan SAJA2 Allah mengurniakan anda KEPAKARAN itu..
Bukan SAJA2 Allah memasukkan KELEMAHAN itu..
Bukan SAJA2 Allah memberikan UJIAN sebegitu..
Bukan SAJA2 Allah membiarkan anda mengemudi dalam KEADAAN sebegitu..

Melainkan Allah tahu anda akan memberikan sesuatu dalam bidang itu..
Melainkan Allah tahu anda bakal membiakkan ilmu2 itu..
Melainkan Allah akan temukan anda dengan insan2 ikhlas membantu..
Melainkan Allah mahu menguatkanmu..
Melainkan Allah mahu anda tahu betapa tingginya kasih sayangNya padamu..
Masihkan lagi tidak bersyukur?"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

leaving SEED for bro+a beautiful hadith.

Adik masih di ICU. Tatau la bila boley kluaq. 

Din know dy masok ICU till dad call. Without any hesitation and 2nd thought (how could i have any 2nd thought thinking my bro in ICU) troih mek kptsan blah dari SEED. tho i luv the programme but the call for family is way more important woo.

After leaving SEED and hurried back to Kedah, terus pegi hospital. bukan tak pernah tengok dy sakit and terbaring camni..tapi he looked so weak with all those wires and tubes.. and i just don't know how to feel. i mean like i wanna show the strong me in front of him (walaupun dy tdo tyme tu..)AND i dun wan him to hear the voice of me,,crying. but still.. (T,T)

Seriously dun wan to cry. but tears keep running down the cheek. mcm air zam-zam y kua tanpa henti..bezanya my tears doesn't possess any healing power and such. uhu. I love him. 

I know nobody pon yg baca my blog, but still if any human do come across this post, pray for that my bro get well soon. Doakan semoga Allah memberkati dan melindungi adik saya. Doakan semoga adik saya diberikan kesihatan yang baik. Doakan semoga adik saya panjang umur. 

At home now. Sedang scroll2 status2 mereka2 d fb, i came across this post..which leaves me in teary eyes. menusuk hati. cewahh. tp betol..betapa bahagianya bila kita meninggal dengan membawa bersama "lelaki kacak" ini. Al-Quran yang indah..even membacanya sahaja dengan ikhlas pun dah dapat rasa, suatu perasaan yang indah. InsyaAllah. 

ni la hasil copy paste nye(tade it affects me. so, xsalah kalau saya share & who knows it might affect someone else too^^

Hadis yang Menarik Rasulullah S.A.W

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda : 'Bila seseorang lelaki itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya, berdiri lelaki yang betul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki itu berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.

Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata, Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya seorang diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah tugasmu. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.'

Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,'Aku adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan bimbang. Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.'

Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada Al-Mala'ul A'laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang dipenuhi bauan kesturi

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :'Di hari pengadilan, di hadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran, mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.'

Sila sebarkan Hadis ini kepada semua .......kerana

'Sampaikan pengetahuan dari ku walaupun hanya satu ayat.'

Saat Anda membwa Al-Quran, syaitan biasabiasa saja...tengok je..
Saat Anda membukanya, syaitan mulai curiga.
Saat Anda membacanya, ia resah dan gelisah.
Saat Anda memahaminya, ia kejang kejangan.
Saat Anda mengamalkan Al-Qur'an dlm kehidupan sehari-hari.ia stroke...Teruskn membaca & mengamalknnya agar syaitan terus stroke .
Saat Anda ingin menyebarkan pesanan ini, syaitan pun mencegahnya. Syaitan kata "jgn SEBARKAN, kerana ia tidak penting langsung"
namun kita semestinya menyedari perjuangan Islam adalah tanggungjawab kita.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

3D with little madiha. cinema?

Went out with Dekmatt & movies and wondering around.

Kungfu Panda in 3D, quite okey la..the whole movie itself was just about less than two why so short?! or is it bcoz I couldn't concentrate well on the movie worrying bout Madiha beside me..? she seems quite disturbed with the 3D specky on her and the cold aircond..I switch place with her and took off my socks, putting it on her. luckily I wore full covered shoes (still, quite cold without socks on) 

well anyway, feels quite weird, took a 7 years old little girl along into cinema. She's lucky(?) aah. 1st time got into cinema at the age of 7! hahaha! yes, something so uncommon for us. The parents?..emm mom & dad was like

"..hah?.. tu diaa uihh tengok wayang.........ish3 (with some sarcastic, not-so-pleased tone) hmmn"

ehe =__=|| I wonder whats going on their mind when I say "cinema".. my mind calculated about 89.73% of the possibility- they have this not so-good-idea in mind bout this "black" place. ughh. how's cinema in the old days anyway?.. what was the idea about cinema were like in the old days? 


I dunno bout cinema very well too (since i've been to cinema for less than 5 times and at 2 different places only). ehe=__=|| guess not in that very-right position for such question..okey2~

Got one funny question when we went to survey for handphone for Dekmatt..

"you two..couple aa??"

 me and Dekmatt was like ...


HAHAHAHAHA!! I couldn't say more. After Dekmatt tell her i'm his sis, she blushed and apologize few times. that question appears kinda weird with Madiha right beside us. LOL.

a photo taken last 2 weeks.huhu~

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Divine Book

Found this very beautiful video from wakeupproject. oke, was found in facebook before that, posted by a friend^^ thank you Najihan!! There are all ten videos on this Divine Book section. this one is the last part;

and for the other 9 parts; The Divine Book.

take some time to discover some truth we might been missing from.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ya Allah, Aku Jatuh Cinta.

Telah lama ku pendam rindu ini..
Telah lama ku menyimpan rasa cinta ini..
Namun, tidak dapat ku luahkan tatkala tiada siapa yang sudi menerimanya..
Hatiku penuh cinta..
Tapi rasa itu umpama kosong..
Kerana cinta dihatiku minta dibalas…
Aku mencari dan terus mencari..
Siapa yang sudi menerima cinta ini…
Dan mengisi kekosongan hati ini…

Ku memberi cinta pada manusia…
Kepada keluarga dan sahabat..
Namun, cinta yang dibalas padaku…
Hatiku seakan tidak merasa puas dengan cinta itu…
Seolah-olah…cinta yang ku berikan…
Tidak dibalas…
Hati ini terus kekosongan…

Lalu, ku mencarinya di sebuah majlis ilmu…
Hatiku seakan terisi…
Aku berasa pelik dan aneh…
Sebelum ini pernah manusia memberi cinta padaku…
Namun hati ku seakan tidak puas…
Mengapa berada di dalam majlis itu…
Hatiku seakan tenang dan tidak lagi meminta dicari pengisi kekosongannya…

Apabila cinta dihatiku seakan dibalas…
Rindu pula bertamu…
Rindu itu membuatkan aku terus menerus mencari pengisian…
Cinta dan rindu itu membawa ku mengenal sesuatu…
Sesuatu yang tidak pernah ku rasakan sebelum ini…

Kini..baru ku tahu…
Hati ini hanya akan puas bila mencari cinta yang SATU…
Menyintai pemilik cinta ini..
Pencipta rasa cinta ini…
Hatiku terisi…cinta itu membahagiakan..
Rindu itu teramat indah..
Alangkah indah cinta pada Ilahi…
Tidak pernah terbayang difikiran ini…
Dapat merasakan indahnya erti sebenar CINTA itu…

credit to: azwa zakaria

Sunday, March 27, 2011

sorang2 what?

"kesiannya.." atau "sedeynye.."

ayat yang akn disebut atau tersebut atau menyebut bila seseorang salu..

1) jalan sorang2
2) pegi kelas sorang2
3) makan sorang2 
4) jalan balek dari kedai makan, sambil mengayun plastik makanan bungkus kat tangan kanan dan beg sandang di bahu kiri..sorang2
5) dan berbagai lagi yang..sorang2.

sadiskah sorang2?.. jawapannya: 

YA. (common and most rated answers by most and all typical people)

kenapa kita rasa camtu eyh?..tipikal answer laa. sebab kita dah biasa hidup dan dibudayakan dengan persekitaran yang kalo sorang2 memang nampak sian. Sangat tipikal kan?

Maka kesian lah mereka2 yang salu sorang2 ni. Dan mereka yang lebih gemar bersorang2 ni pon tak pasal2 kena cop kesian. 

Apa salahnya je kalo sorang2?.. sorang2 bukan bermakna orang tu takde kawan ke, orang takmo kawan ngan dia ke, dia bermasalah ke dan lain2 pandangan ntah pape orang2 terhadap mereka yang sorang2 ni. (faham kan?)

Mana taw sebenarnya orang yang sorang2 ni..

1) jalan sorang2 sebab dia ade hal, bizi, nak cepat..bek pegi senirik
2)pegi kelas sorang2..sebab dah tertido,bangun lambat, sume kawan dah pegi dulu
3)makan sorang2..sebab rasa macam nak ber'romantik' dengan diri senirik
4)jalan balek sorang2 sambil memegang plastik makanan bungkus kat tangan..mungkin sebab bizi sangat3 ngan kerja sampai takde masa rehat, tak sempat nak makan..bungkus jela, curi2 makan taim rehat nak solat ke
5) dan berbagai2 lagi sebab masing2

jadi, apa salahnya dengan sorang2?

"cool what?!" <---so said some people.

yela..saya tak nampak apa salahnya jek ngan sorang2 nih. berkumpulan, berdua dan bersendirian; adalah pilihan masing2. 

why judge people from the choice they choose without putting yourself in that person's shoes? 

some people simply likes being alone. no reason. then why think of them as a freak?

some people simply don't like to talk. no reason. then why think of them as an arrogant peacock..or a shy?

some people simply likes to smile. no reason. Then why think of them as "terencat akal"?

It's a matter of the choice. every people has the right to do and act the way they want. tak semestinya mesti follow the norm je. as long as it's not wrong, why condemn?..

then people ask, kenapa tak berani nak jadik diri sendiri?.. not everybody is brave and strong enough to walk out of the line dude.. especially if surrounding people all have such typical mindset.

memang la siapa suka sorang2. but then, kengkadang sorang2 pon takde la terok sangat. and sometimes best jugak mungkin.

there are times best bila ngan kawan2, family etc. but there are also times best sorang2. depends on the need..of oneself.

Sape cakap alone tu kesian?.. menyedihkan?.. sometimes being alone is not that bad what. the perception and those looking sympathize eyes are, and these two that create the "kesian"ness  and "sedih"ness of alone.

takde salahnya pon sorang2. 


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

reality belonged ugly duckling

Pada suatu ketika dahulu, ada seekor anak itik yang huduh bernama Bear.

Beliau sebenarnya takde laa huduh sangat pon, tapi agak huduh laa. ok, dijadikan cerita, beliau dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga yang memang asal usulnya itik. Mereka semua cantik2 dan hensem2 kira macam oke oke laa, tak sehuduh si Bear ni yang penting.

Sebab ahli keluarga Bear ni macam orang2 beriman yang redha dengan ketentuan Ilahi, mereka menerima seadanya rupa paras Bear yang kurang cantik ni. Ibu Bear juga sangat menyayangi Bear sama seperti anak-anaknya yang lain.

"Well, sekurang-kurangnya aku xcacat.." kata Bear menyedapkan hati sendiri.

Beliau bersyukur dikurniakan dua kaki untuk berjalan, sepasang sayap untuk..err..mengangkat tangan?..(itik kan xbuleh terbang). Walaupun tak cantik, beliau bersyukur dikurniakan mata untuk melihat, paruh untuk mematuk dan idung yang walaupun xmancung pipi tersorong-sorong untuk menghidu dan bernafas di Bumi ciptaan Tuhan ini.

Sejak zaman sekolah, beliau tak banyak kawan..sebab beliau huduh kot (sebenarnya sebab beliau xpandai cakap..orang pon takot laa nak cakap ngan beliau), orang xmau kawan ngan beliau. Takpe Bear tetap redha. Sekurang-kurangnya ada laa jugak dua tiga ekor anak itik yang macam sudi berkawan dengan dia.

Dijadikan cerita, Bear masuk universiti. Di sini, beliau belajar untuk hidup sendiri. Belajar berdikari. Bear jumpak kawan2 baru. Kat sini jugak laa Bear dapat dan belajar pasal persahabatan sebenar. Beliau tersangat laa gembira sebab ada orang sanggup jadik kawan beliau dan kawan rapat lak tu.

Kalau dulu, orang pegi makan ke, bagi nota ke, Bear akan salu ketinggalan atau jadik orang last sebab beliau huduh "invisible", orang salu lupa dan tak nampak beliau. Tapi sekarang, beliau ada kawan2 yang kira macam takde laa Bear rasa yang beliau "invi" lagi. Walaupon kengkadang tak salu itik2 lain nampak beliau "online" walaupun beliau memang sebenarnya tengah "online", tapi takpe laahh Bear dah biasa dengan perasaan dan layanan "invi" sejak dahulu kala lagi. Kira macam dah imun gak laa. Jadi, Bear meneruskan hidupnya seperti biasa bersama geng2 EAR-ang<---(nama geng a.k.a kawan2 baek Bear) nya.

Semakin beliau membesar, Bear belajar menjadi seekor itik yang ada perasaan..marah, sedih, tak puas ati, tak suka, jadik semakin jahat etc. Tak laa jahat sangat, tapi kira tak sebaik dan senaif dulu la. Bila tengok orang cantik, beliau macam jeles sket aa..

"Kan best kalau aku cantik cam dia.." kata Bear sambil memandang awek itik cun kat depan beliau.

Kalo dulu, Bear cuma taw gembira dan takde perasaan je. Dua tu je perasaan yang ada kat beliau. Kira cam itik robot sket aa ati beliau ni..Tapi skang dah pandai bermacam2 perasaan. ish3~

Hidup tak selalu gembira. Biasa laa nama pon idup kan. Suatu hari, Bear bergaduh dengan kawannya. Beliau telah menyakiti hati kawan kesayangannya dan beliau rasa amat bersalah sekali. Tapi syukur, kawannye baik. Dia memaafkan Bear.

Bear gembira kawannya masih sudi berkawan dengan nya lagi. Setiap kali kawan Bear tak best ke nangis ke, Bear pon rasa nak nangis gak. Pedih dan sebak hatinya melihat kawannya tak best..

Suatu hari Bear ternampak seekor anak itik yang hensem. Baginda begitu comel lagi baik hati. Seperti anak itik lain yang mempunyai hati dan perasaan, beliau pon terjatoh dalam kawah minyak panas hati dengan mamat itik tersebut.

impian dalam bayangan Bear..

Setelah beberapa lama berkawan (BERKAWAN..takde unsur2 bercinta ke apa) dengan mamat itik tersebut, beliau semakin lama sedar akan kehuduhan dirinya. Yela, mamat itik tu kan hensem..rasa macam tak layak laa. Pastu, akhirnya Bear yang kuciwa ni pon buat keputusan..nak buat pembedahan plastik.

Mula2 Bear saja buat gimik je konon nak pegi jumpa pergi jauh..bajet cam akan ade orang akan hentikan beliau aa, tapi takde orang peduli pon..

jadi beliau pon..


Dalam perjalanan nak pegi jumpak doktor pembedahan plastik, Bear kena tangkap ngan makcik jual itik panggang kat kedai sebelah pasaraya atas bukit tepi padang rumput.


Bear rasa sangat menyesal kerana bertindak mengikut perasaan. Memang tamat laa riwayat beliau ni..mimpi laa lam reality leh lari ngan selamat. Memang takde harapan dah. Beliau hanya mampu mengucap banyak dan menunggu dicampakkan lam baldi kuali..ehh periuk. Moga dapat mati lam iman..amin~

Tapi tanpa disangka, makcik yang tangkap Bear tetiba rasa nak pegi toilet. Takleh tahan dah. Dia tinggal laa jap Bear kat tepi meja. Nenek kepada makcik jual itik panggang yang melihat insiden ini terkesian kat Bear (sebenarnya tak sanggup dan tak lalu nak makan Bear yang huduh sangat) lalu melepaskan Bear.

Bear lari laju2 sampai terjatuh lam lopak air. Beliau menangis tersedu-sedu, esak2, meraung2.. Beliau sangat menyesal dan terasa sangat rindukan ibu dan geng2 EAR-ang nya. Beliau berfikir sejenak, apekah kelayakan dan motif beliau nak mengubah ciptaan Tuhan ini?..Jadik, beliau pon pulang ke rumah..

"huaa~ saya rindu ibu!! maafkan saya!!" 
Sesampainya ke rumah, sume orang memeluk Bear. Rindu sebenarnya mereka ni kat Bear. Rupa2 nya itik2 sekalian yang lain tak menghalang pemergian Bear kerana mereka tengah sebok mencari anak tikus yang terlepas dari kandang harimau..takde masa nak layan drama pendek si Bear. Tak tau lak mereka bahawa Bear betol2 akan belahh.

Bear menangis terharu mendengar penjelasan mereka.

"yeke?.." uhukk
Beliau mengambil keputusan untuk melupakan sume benda2 yang tak layak untuk dirinya itu dan berimpian untuk meneruskan hidup bersama geng2 EAR-ang kesayangannya dan ibunya yang tercinta selain cintanya kepada Tuhannya.

Hidup Bear bukan lagi kosong dan tak bermakna kerana beliau ada mereka bersamanya yang beliau pasti mereka juga menyayangi Bear seperti mana Bear menyayangi mereka.

-The End-

"Hidup ini bukan lah suatu kisah dongeng yang selalu berpenghujung indah2 belaka. Bear tidak berakhir dengan menjadi seekor swan yang cantik, tapi beliau menemui hidup yang lebih baik dalam jasad yang sama. Dan bahawa, masih ada tempat untuknya meneruskan hidup bersama mereka yang menyayanginya. Bukan sendiri dan keseorangan."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

alexander rybak

si farah ni dah beberapa kali dah suh aku chek sorang mamat ni..bes katanya~ oww well~ tak sempat nak tengok+lupa sampai la dy tulis kat status skype dy..tergerak laa ati nak cek

bes jugak~ HAHA! dengan semangatnya aku pon mendawonload laa lagu tu.. paling suke lagu "europe's skies"
the intro especially..awesomeness!! SUKEEEE!!!! hoho!

the sound of the violin..the gives some kind of feeling..ntah cane..not good dalam mendiskeraib. hehe =P

oke, japgi ade diskasyen japanese..lom siap. lalalala~

memuhasabah diri jap tadi. bersyukur kerana masih hidup. bersyukur dapat hidup dengan baik. bersyukur diberikan anggota badan yang cukup lengkap. bersyukur ade orang yang sayang saya. mama..kawan..bestie. bersyukur atas segalanya. Terima kasih Allah. =)

Monday, March 7, 2011


sume orang pon berubah. saya sedar perubahan adalah sesuatu yang wajib dalam hidup setiap orang tapi kenapa saya tak dapat menahan air mata ini?.. saya menangis dengan perubahan semua orang. kawan2, family members.. semua orang akan membesar. I'm aware of that.


saya sangat takut dengan perubahan orang. kerana itu, saya menangis sendiri.

i feel like i'm still the same person. but maybe me too..have changed. little or much, tanpa saya sedari, saya juga mungkin bukan orang yang sama lagi.

i might change. i change when people change, when things aren't the same anymore, when my life aren't the same anymore. 

but what to do.. tho i can change, but it's not that easy. 

life isn't that easy to alter.

..and now, there's a lot of things that have changed. i'm scared to the point that i can barely live. 

i'm stuck in the transition of life. of people.

i cry. and keep crying. but i still live. i keep walking this path of life. i'm still living this bittersweet present.

Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hamba-Mu ini. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


went kinda a bit down this evening. reason? ..let's not talk about it. not in the mood.

message a friend. feel a lot better afterwards. Thanx.

"Sometimes it's not that you don't know's just that you forgot about it"

this kind of thought always come to mind. when i wake up and swim out from the water where i drown myself in.  okey, stop talking crap. bla3~

there's quite more i want to talk about. but let's just cut it here. coz i should stop. (what the pensel kayu?!..apekahh...=__=)

been addicted to this song. It's just beautiful. enjoY!

Friday, February 25, 2011

bertahannNN! ohokk!

hectic week to come..

dear self, embrace the 'kayu'!! gahahaha~ oke, xd kaitan. sedang bermalas2 ngan timbunan kerja yang belom siap dan note2 yang perlu tapi belom di-stadi. aww~ sweet kan? (xd kaitan gak)

beberapa esaimen, beberapa repot, satu fieldtrip repot, presentation mini projek dan beberapa note ntuk di-stadi untuk beberapa test =sumenye perlu disetelkan b4 rabu minggu hadapan. ^____,^ <-- senyuman aneh y penoh maksud tersirat.

ade ape je ari rabu tu ye?.. jawapan: fieldtrip park ke Gunung Stong.

YeaHhh ting3 betol!!


meow3~ bosan2+malas2= ngade nak conteng2 kat blog jap. oke, stop vandalisme.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

sayang laptop..sayang beg kecikku^^


Semalam laptop buat hal (my wrong..carik pasal), risau sgt33. Laptop kesayangan kot. tak kira lagi benda2 penting lam fail2 sume. work etc. erghh. @_@

Xtaw nak ty sape..cane nak buat. Could only think of 5 org yang macam ala2 tere jek gaya sala lappy ni kan. Abes credit koling2 dyorang. aiyakk! LOL

Last2 kasi koko suh tengokkan. xley wat pape. kena reformat. ooh~ O[]O||

Today adalah ari yang sangat bagus!

1) got Biokeusahawanan, the talk sangat menarik & dapat fokus ngan baik..xngantok langsung sepanjang ceramah tu..hoohooo~
2) dapat mkn free..sedap^^ (great gle aah since aku kena save dwet sbb i lost my bag-chan with bank card & ic in it=___,= ehe. ade rm40 only utk guna till wednesday)
3) dapat balik laptop. dah sihat. whats more amazing: laptop nye wifi yang sebelum ni rosak/cam xley pakai secara tiba2 dah boleyh pakai!! dah boleh detect line wifi!! >__< yeaaAAhhHH!! terimasss koko!!
4) lupa password ntuk UMK nye wifi. but then tetiba boleh pakai without using the password thing etc. HAHAHAH!!
5) tengah online ngan line yang lajunya, got msg kat FB. ade orang jumpa my lost beg kecik!! terus lari turun ngan epinye pegi ambik my beg-chan! uhHhuu! terimass orang yang jumpa & bagi balek! TERIMASSS SGT33! was worried to ..not death gile3 punya wiso laa. dah laa tertinggal kat IPKB(which bawu perasan pagi tadi kat mane ilang pas dah beberapa ari ilang), can't get the bag-chan back till i have class kat situ balek this wednesday. so, penemuan dan bagi balik oleh hamba Allah tersebut tersangat dan amat lahh dihargaiiiiii!

kesimpulannya, arini sangat bertuah! Syukur Alhamdulillah!

p/s: hope dapat makan makanan best2 lagik tyme masquerade nite japgi! hehe^^

Monday, February 14, 2011

"nikmat SAKIT"

Semalam got food poisoning. Cirit-birit, muntah2.. awful.

It's been 2days dah dok sakit2 perut..tapi xdela sampai cirit-birit & muntah2 tu. Time maghrib semalam dah start makin terok. That time, asek teringat kat mama jek. How everytime aku sakit, mama la yang dok jaga aku. Risaukan aku. Now, here, 1st time aku sakit terok camni..time away from home. 

I call mom. In less than one second hearing her voice, I burst into tears. Dunno why. Ohh, not to mention I made her worry too of course. She cried along with me. Can feel the sorrow she shared with me. The pain. I just can't stop crying talking to her. I need her here! (T.T)

been missing mom badly since got back to uni after midsem break (~.~)

At night plak, I can't sleep. My whole body aches. My stomach especially feels not right. Kepala panas2 & denyut2 while kaki plak sejuk. Syukur laa ade one coldfever left in my drawer. Muntah2 lagi pas minum that ape salt tu..uhh~ Seriously can't sleep. 

sakit is a way Allah nak kurangkan dosa kita. Firman Allah;

"Dan apa jua bencana, kesakitan yang menimpa kamu, maka ia adalah daripada tangan-tangan kamu sendiri (dari perbuatan salah dan dosa) dan (dalam pada masa yang sama dikenakan bencana dan sakit itu) Allah mengampunkan sebahagian besar dosa-dosa kamu" -Surah Asy-Syura ayat 30.

Then, baru laa tetiba nak terpikir betapa berharganya nikmat sihat tu. Nikmat masa lapang (my whole evening+night were wasted camtu jek sbb sakit..leaving all the work bertimbun2 xbuat). Mungkin Allah buat kita sakit supaya kita lebih ingat kepada-Nya. Mungkin sebelum ni, kita terlalu asyik sangat dengan dunia. Mungkin juga sakit itu sebenarnya bukan lah satu musibah tetapi merupakan salah satu cara penebus dosa oleh Allah dan menyedarkan kita dari kelalaian.

Alhamdulillah, getting better now. My whole body still aches lagi but not as bad as last night.

Sangat berterima kasih kepada Mira yang sanggup penat2 bawak aku pegi klinik, and of course concern from kawan2 lain..Trimass sangat2 (T.T)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

ahaa =')

"Bila rasa nak marah, terasa hati dan bermasam muka, ingatlah kembali kenangan yang membuat kau dan aku tersenyum..pasti itu lebih indah"

A friend posted this as her status on facebook. There are always ups and down in relationship. Friendship work the same. 

I miss those old memories. I wonder what else did I do wrong.. that make things so hard. that it's so hard to get some forgiveness.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Actual children's answer to the question "what is love?"

“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.” - Billy, age 4

“Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.” - Karl, age 5

“Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.” - Chrissy, age 6 

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.” - Terri, age 4

“Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.” - Danny, age 7

“Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss.” - Emily, age 8

“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.” - Bobby, age 7

“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,” - Nikka, age 6

“Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.” - Noelle, age 7

“Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.” - Tommy, age 6

“During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn’t scared anymore.” - Cindy, age 8

“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.” - Clare, age 6

“Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.” - Elaine, age 5

“Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt.” - Chris, age 7 

“Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.” - Mary Ann, age 4

“I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.” - Lauren, age 4

“When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.” - Rebecca, age 8

“When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.” - Karen, age 7

“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.” - Jessica, age 8