Monday, December 26, 2011

A true Muslim by Islam or Muslim by religion?

Islam and Muslim might be somehow synonym but they are too, are actually not the same.

Born as a Muslim who's still learning and of course there's a lot more i need to learn. But to be a part of today's society, I think I need to contribute a bit of my little knowledge, to at least let people know of this basic 'little thing' that they seem to miss.

How are Islam and Muslim differ??

"Islam: the meaning comes from the Arabic verbal noun (like gerund) s-l-m. When appropriate vowel markers are added the word Islam appears. The etymology of s-l-m is to submit, accept, or surrender. From this comes Islam's conventional definition of surrender to God."

Islam is a religion, where it teaches people to believe in Allah as the only God and Muhammad pbuh as his messenger. This basic concept of being a Muslims might seem simple, but you need to learn and practice it in order to be a real Muslim by Islam . To tell everything about Islam would need a more detail explanation of course. ^^ Islam is easy to those who believe and practice it in the right way.

"Muslim: also has the roots in the s-l-m verb. It is a participle of the verb and refers t a person who engages in the act of submission, acceptance, or surrender. Therefore a Muslim is a person who submits to the will of God, or a follower of Islam."

So basically, Muslim is people who believe Allah and Muhammad pbuh as His messenger, but are divided into two, Muslim by Islam (Mukmin) and Muslim by religion (Muslim).

Muslim by Islam is the people who practice Islam in the real Islam way and as taught in the Holy Quran. But Muslim by religion is the people who choose Islam simply as a religion they want to or born with; and then they live with it, without fully following the real Islamic way of living and practice.

I'm not going to talk about this by the way, just additional info =) based on what I learnt through my 21 years of living as a Muslim.

Muslims are also people. A human being. Be it Muslim by Islam or Muslim by religion, they are indeed nothing but a human being, created by God like any other humans with other religions in the world .

Terrorism are always associated with Islam. Have you forgot that the Muslims too, are normal human being like those people from other religions?.. When there's an event of terrorism or such, Islam will be accused as a fault.

How are Islam as a religion to be accused for the wrongdoing of the imperfect human action? Isn't it nothing but a taboo or another stereotype narrow-minded thinking of people?..

To people who do not think, do not judge a religion by the action of those people calling themselves follower of the region; as human will never be perfect. There are people who practice the religion the way it should, in the right way. and there are also people who's being an extremist, who thought whey're doing what they do for the sake of Islam, when Islam doesn't actually ask or teaches such thing.

Basically, Islam is holy religion which promotes peace to people, a religion for everyone, a way of live. Whereas Muslim only describe the follower of the religion, imperfect humans like any other humans practicing other religion.

To judge Islam, do not look at its follower, look at the religion itself. Read and learn about the religion, then only talk.

There's this awesome video that I like, wanna post it here, but something went wrong with my blogger video link, so i'll just give the link here:


=) assalamualaikum & peace!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

story of early morning on 11 dec: fb.

i was rooting for it. 

but then

was about to give up.

but still,

patiently waiting..


& waiting..



maybe i should stop hoping

*stop hoping & continue with the work*

more than 15 mins later, open the tab and ..

uwarghhhHH!! why??...
why just notice it now??!


too late..  *sigh*

Friday, December 9, 2011

a quick post+animated gif

Supposely buat report now.. tons of them are piling up, waiting to be done. erghh~ stressing. but then without the stress, takde nye nak buat..muhahaha~

yesterday present report on Malacca, pastu realise got some mistake in the submitted report & need to fix it. skang time yg sepatotnya digunakan utk buat report laen dah terpaksa dicurik utk fix this Malacca report (T,T) menambahkan kepeningan & kestressan. =,=||

maka, dlm kesibukan menyiapkan kerja mesti laa ada sosial2 kan..hehe~ on tumblr got this one post, ajar cane nak wat GIF image. jum try ^^

here's the link: How to make Animated GIFs with free programs

cutie ryan gif
will try this ble dah xbizi nnt^^hehe~


Aliya's buat blog. utk esaimen katanya. huhu~ dan utk adek2 skolah rendah yg nak belajar english katanya; sila lah melawat ^^

link: TEACHER ALIYA's English Blog



sometimes you know you should stick to what you should not let yourself to
to just stick to what you know is the right thing to do
to what the sane mind says

but once you give in,
just a bit,
it means you're letting yourself to be torn apart
by those very factors
you already aware

risk yourself to a hazard
which you know will harm you
in either way
& yet you still let yourself to.


let's stop.



lately suka dengar to this one song. ada part solo by this one friend. haha. dunno why suka suara dia. unik mungkin. & bila dengar the song, suara dia tu make the song sound cam sedeyh. hahahaha~

oke, siriyes. betol sedih.

yes, i'm a fan of this idol. haha. fan suara dia la.
